Monday 5 December 2016

Self Supporting Object with Partner Remix: 3D PRINTED

So here is the second part to the first blog!  We chose our object and now have gone to print it!

This was the object of choice!:

(Pic borrowed from Matthew's blog:

It remixes both of our ideas because it combines the complex features of the chosen object from his side and the more vase like appearance of mine as well as the cutout portion!

It was 3D printed, however we had to simplify the complexity of the shapes within the cut of the vase so the 3D printer would get that detail!!

This project was really fun and interesting! The limits we were given were both difficult and interesting to work in.  A big issue for us was maintaining the complexity while having it physically possible to be made.  With some adjustments and tweaks we finally go this product!! 

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