Saturday, 5 November 2016

The Second Prototype of Skeletal Kitty

To continue onto the second prototype I refine the design and add a pattern!

I modified the model design's tabs and separated troublesome sections. This layout also makes understanding the cat easier. And after the initial prototype I have a greater understanding of all the parts.    I also made a half prototype 1.5 to basically quickly see if the new tabs worked.  I didn't finish it because it was merely done to see if it all lined up.

It might not look like much right now, but I still have a bit more to do on it.  Also, the dark grey portions will be black, I just lowered the opacity while I was working so I would be able to properly draw on the designs and know exactly where they would go! I have to do a prototype for this design as well, to see if everything lines up properly.  If all goes well it will become the last prototype before the vinyl creation, however if there are errors in the design I will have to fix it before continuing forward and likely make a new last prototype before the vinyl.
Here is the finished piece printed on some cardstock! Don't mind the blue piece it is there simple to distinguish the pattern from the cardstock! This design made me think long and hard about where everything went and made me immensely aware of all the parts of the cat.  I wanted to make sure that everything lined up and made sense.   The colour came out really nicely!  Despite the small size the details showed up well.  I also removed the folding and cutting lines.
Alright just to add the vinyl very carefully!

Hurray no issues like air bubbles!

Here I go about cutting out the pieces and beveling the edges that need to be folded with the blunt edge of some scissors.  The scissors are intended for children so the blunt edge is perfect and not at all sharp.  The pattern printed out on the left has the original marks on it, so I still have a reference of where to fold and cut without leaving marks on the final version!

The markings on the head seem to work together! Now to just do the body and cross fingers that I put everything where it should go.

It all lined up just as I hoped!! I don't need to adjust the lines because it came out just as I intended!  I am extremely happy

I am pretty happy with the outcome! My one main issue was on the front left leg where the glue ate away at some of the vinyl unfortunately because I put a touch too much of it.  I've gotten used to putting this guy together and each time becomes easier!  I really liked working with strong glue because unlike tape and Elmer's glue stick you do not have to hold it together long, or hard for it to stick, so the head went on, and the tail stuck together with little difficulty!

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